Global Action for Trans* Equality (GATE)
The Global Action for Trans* Equality is a group of activists working for trans equality worldwide. The organisation facilitates the development of a global network of trans organizations and makes research on trans issues available.
GATE was born out of the need for lobbying at the global level, especially with the institutions of the United Nations. The organisation has started a dialogue with the World Health Organisation, the United Nations and other international actors about the urgently needed reform of medical classifications of trans identities, which is erroneously referred to as a personality disorder, a diagnosis from psychiatry.
Trans people do not comply with society’s expectations in terms of gender identity and expression and they are marginalised all over the world. Their human rights are being violated in virtually every country, ranging from laws that criminalise their existence and laws that require transgender people to be sterilised in order to change legal documents. Trans people also suffer violence from police and are being denied access to healthcare, jobs and education.
There is a need for better networking between different regions to exchange ideas and experiences of trans groups. ‘Trans movements worldwide experience a lack of resources, such as financial means, skills, experience, human power and connections’, says Justus Eisfeld co-founder of GATE. ‘Most groups are in the early stages of organisation. They run on a handful of volunteers, with no financial means, frequently fall victim to infighting and are overwhelmed by the work that they face. Volunteers are often busy with their own day to day survival, while they try to help others as well. The general lack of resources makes trans groups extremely vulnerable, both to the often abundant negative energy within trans communities and to attacks from society in general.’
Important to the work of GATE is its support of constructive communications between existing groups and new audiences. The situation of trans people will only improve if they voice their demand for human rights. National and international networks are scarce or only just starting up. Therefore, GATE organises trainings and gathering for groups to fill that gap.
GATE received grants from mama Cash in 2010 and 2011.